Birgit Baumann

Birgit Baumann
Am Kleinen Felde 30
30167 Hannover
Birgit Baumann
Am Kleinen Felde 30
30167 Hannover
Lecturing Staff
Biology Education Section

Focus in research and teaching

  • Research project “ID-Nature – development of an identification app by young people for young people” to promote species knowledge, biodiversity protection and digital learning.
  • Environmental education and extracurricular learning locations
  • Health education and sex education

Curriculum vitae

  • Professional background

    Since 06/2021
    Employee in the “ID-Nature” project with Prof. Groß, first Otto Friedrich University Bamberg, then Philipps University Marburg, since 12/2024 at the Institute for Didactics of Natural Sciences (IDN) at Leibniz University Hannover

    10/2007 – 9/2020
    Teacher for special tasks for secondary school biology teaching at the University of Hildesheim in cooperation with the School Biology Center Hannover (SBZ)

    1998 – today
    External employee and board member in the support association (since 2019) of the Hanover School Biology Center (SBZ)

    05/1995 – 04/1997
    Traineeship at the Oldenburg study seminar. Training school: Gymnasium Cäcilienschule

    Guest student at Greenwich and Guildhall University in London/GB in the subjects Environmental Management, Assessment, Politics/Philosophy/Ethics

    1988 – 1994
    Environmental education work at the German Youth Association for Nature Observations, Youth and Environment Europe (YEE), BUND, Bremen Ecology Station, Cityfarm in Sheffield and in the Peak National Park/GB (Earth Education)

    1987 – 1994
    Studied biology and English to become a high school teacher at the Georg-August University of Göttingen

    09/1986 – 06/1987
    Guest student at the University of California Berkeley, California/USA in the subjects of Biological Psychology, Peace and Conflict Studies

  • Awards

    Cornelsen Prize for Biology 1999 for thesis II: “The school grounds as a habitat for various plants”

  • Contributions to conferences

    Baumann, B. & Groß, J. (2023). Heterogeneity as a basis for digitality. Development of a butterfly identification app by students for students. FDdB

    Baumann, B. (2022). Creation of a butterfly identification app ID-Logics with young people. Symposium for butterfly protection and 24th UFZ workshop on population biology of butterflies and Zygaenidae