Recent research projects
#FREI DAY FOR FUTURE – Shaping healthy and sustainable living environments togetherThe research project of three years focuses on the FREI DAY learning format at schools in Lower Saxony, whose impact on sustainable and healthy lifestyles and living conditions is being investigated. FREI DAY usually involves four lessons per week in which pupils develop their own projects on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in small groups over the course of a school year, implementing them in their local community. The aim for young people is to acquire the skills they need to create healthy, fair and sustainable living conditions and lifestyles and to experience self-efficacy. The evaluation uses a mixed methods approach which will be carried out at the participating elementary schools as well as secondary and vocational schools. Some schools have already implemented the FREI DAY, some do not take part (yet). For the effectiveness of the evaluation, around 10 key persons per FREI DAY school and one or more class levels are interviewed by telephone as part of the quantitative surveys. Qualitative surveys (focus groups, photovoice, Most Significant Change) will be conducted at selected schools that are already implementing FREI DAY. The project is being implemented in close collaboration with a team at Hannover Medical School (MHH) and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ulla Walter from the Institute for Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health Systems Research. The research team at the IDN at LUH is responsible for implementing the qualitative surveys.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2025Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Duration: 02/2025 - 01/2028
Societal Transformation in a Digital Society – Raising Awareness for the Participation in a Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility TransitionThis project is a cooperation between the Institute for Science Education and the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography. The sub-project at IDN will consider with multipliers in the education sector and with young people how a development and use of mobility apps can be realised in an inclusive and sustainable way.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane Meyer (IDN) and Dr. Kerstin Schäfer (Institut für Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeographie)Team:Year: 2021Funding: Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK)Duration: 2021-2024
VirtU-net Chemistry – Platform for virtual classroom observationsVirtU-net Chemistry focuses on the connection of the first and second phase of teacher education through the use of classroom video recordings. The platform allows to integrate real teaching situations with a more theory-based perspective into the courses at university and use the same recordings with the more practice-oriented perspective in pre-service teacher education seminars. This common basis facilitates a transfer of theory into practice, since it refers to an already familiar situation. The video recordings contain generic, as well as subject-specific aspects of teaching. The tasks for the video recordings are built on a common model for evaluations of instructional quality. This common basis allows a steady transition between the phases with a continuous increase in practice orientation.Led by: Prof. Dr. Andreas NehringYear: 2021Duration: 2021-2023
Low-Emission-Schools in Northern Germany (LESSCO2)This research project, which takes place over the course of three years in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, is being conducted by Leibniz University’s Institute for Science Education (IDN) along with Kiel University’s (CAU) Geographical Institute and the Institut für Vernetztes Denken Bredeneek (IfVD Bredeneek). It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) within the framework of the National Climate Initiative (NKI). In line with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and its Whole-School-Approach, the project aims to transfer knowledge about sustainability into everyday sustainable actions by implementing project weeks in northern German schools. Connecting practical experiences to key ESD issues and fostering democracy education is expected to support the development of low-emission-schools. To enable teacher candidates to implement the respective project weeks, blended learning-training modules are developed, tested and optimised. Within the project’s duration, 480 teacher candidates are supposed to implement 240 project weeks in 240 schools (grade 8 - 11) in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2021Funding: Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und KlimaschutzDuration: 2021 - 07/2025
Leibniz Prinzip II – field of action 2: Modern Formats of Learning - digital, reflective, didactically structured/teaching methodology structuredHigh-quality teaching focuses on the individual learning requirements of students and integrates digitally supported elements. The aim of this field of action is to promote digital competences for the reflection and design of student-oriented learning spaces among prospective teachers. To this end, teaching and learning spaces appropriate for the target group are digitally designed and supported in the university phase of teacher training.Led by: Prof. Dr. Sascha SchanzeTeam:Year: 2019Funding: BMBFDuration: 2019-2024
Perception and Interpretation of instructional quality in different stages of pre-service teacher educationIn this PhD project, the perception and interpretation of instructional quality is researched with a special focus on the second phase of teacher education. For this purpose, the "science education perspectives" (SEP) framework was developed as a common basis of instructional quality. In the next step, a coding manual was derived from the SEP framework for the analysis of evaluations of instructional quality. The analyses show both similarities and differences in the evaluation by science pre-service teachers and their advisors. We highlighted existing problems in evaluations of instructional quality and offer possible solutions for improving teacher education in general. Especially, "cognitive activation" poses a significant challenge for pre-service teachers due to its difficult accessibility in evaluations.Led by: Prof. Dr. Andreas NehringTeam:Year: 2019Duration: 2019-2023
KompE – Assessing and Fostering Competencies in the Field of ExperimentationThis PhD project aims to investigate how problem solutions emerge from underlying dispositions when undergraduate students engage in scientific inquiry through experimentation. For this purpose, a learning sequence including several instruments to assess different facets of the competencies in the field of experimentation is developed and implemented at the university.Led by: Prof. Dr. Andreas NehringTeam:Year: 2019Duration: 2019-2023
Completed research projects
Design of e-learning units for the seminar on research methodologyIn the project, a traditional teaching approache is adapted into a consistent flipped classroom concept. Theoretical content is outsourced to online learning modules for asynchronous preparation. In the classroom practice, theory and practice are linked in depth and applied to concrete data sets using research methods. The main goal is to increase self-determined learning through individual preparation.Led by: Dr. Sarah HundertmarkTeam:Year: 2020Funding: MWK Innovation plusDuration: 04/2020 - 12/2021
Responsibility, Networking, Trust – Future Discourses to achieve the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals with participation of “Agents for Future”Four panel discussions in fall/winter 2020/2021 will address the local implementation of the Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Every future discussion is thereby considering the transformation of our world from a different point of view.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2020Funding: Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK)Duration: 05/2020-07/2021
Virtual learning environments – teacher training in 360°In this project lecturers of the IDN will be prepared and equipped for using virtual reality in seminars for teacher education. For this, learning materials will be developed, tested and reflected upon.Led by: Dr. Sabine Struckmeier, Dr. Alexander Büssing, Stephanie MittrachTeam:Year: 2020Funding: Leibniz School of Education, Leibniz University Hannover (SQM)Duration: 4/2020-9/2021
digiPro - Improving understanding Chemistry by using a digital problem-based learning environmentdigiPro provides both students and lecturers of chemistry-specific degree programmes with a practice-based digital learning environment based on the learning management system ILIAS. The research focus is on the design of suitable sample tasks (explanatory videos) or (collaborative) learning tasks to promote problem solving and representational competence.Led by: Prof. Dr. Sascha SchanzeTeam:Year: 2019Funding: MWK- Programms "Qualität plus-Programm zur Entwicklung des Studiums von morgen"Duration: 01/2019-12/2021
Development of a teaching concept in the teacher-building master programme for the subject of social studies as a joint subject of geography, history, politics at comprehensive schoolsAs part of this two-year project, lecturers in geography education, history education and political education work together to develop, evaluate and implement a training program at Leibniz Universität Hannover for the joint subject of social studies at comprehensive schools.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane Meyer, Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange, Prof. Dr. Meik Zülsdorf-KerstingTeam:Year: 2019Funding: Leibniz School of Education (Studienqualitätsmittel)Duration: 04/2019 - 03/2021
“Change instead of Growth” – The Sustainable Development Goals and Post-growth Economies from the Perspective of Young People in the Context of a Socio-Ecological TransformationAs part of this research project, the perspectives of young people on the Sustainable Development Goals and Post-growth Economies are surveyed using a standardised online questionnaire and focus group discussions. Visits with the young people to so-called pioneers of change are carried out as participatory as possible in the sense of enquiry-based learning.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2019Funding: Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK)Duration: 2019-2022
Reflexive Methods in the Context of Spatial Analyses and Transformative EducationReflexive methods, e.g. reflexive photography, storytelling, meta reflections combined with video vignettes, shall close the mind behavior gap, which can rather be described as a mind perception gap, in all phases of the teacher training by increasing self-awareness through a sensitization to spatial perception and constructions and by making the students aware of unconscious behavior patterns as a contribution to transformative education.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2019Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Duration: 2019-2022
Productive Failure: Conceptual Learning in Chemistry Classes through Problem Solving prior to instruction (PS-I)The aim is to adapt the productive failure approach for learning chemical concepts. Learners are confronted with a problem-solving situation for which no viable concepts are initially available and thus the learners are uncertain about their solution approaches. Subsequently, the corresponding chemical concept is first developed in the instructional phase. It is assumed that the preceding confrontation in the problem-solving situation supports the development of the concept understanding during the instruction.Led by: Dr. Sarah HundertmarkYear: 2018Funding: 07/2018 - 06/2019 Förderung durch das Hochschulbüro für Chancenvielfalt, LUHDuration: seit 2018
Global Change in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development – Lesson Models and Educational Offers for (prospective) Teachers aiming at Raising Awareness for Societal and Spatial TransformationThe goal of the state initiative is to develop educational materials as well as training offers for raising awareness for a societal and spatial transformation in the context of global change. For this, linking all three phases of teacher education is paramount.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane Meyer, Dr. Andreas EberthTeam:Year: 2018Funding: Engagement Global gGmbH mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)Duration: 2018-2021
Sustainability evaluation and sustainability awareness of selected companies along the “textile chain” – An educational model of “transformative literacy” for school education and teacher education purposesIn this educational project the problems caused by the fast fashion industry and relating solutions concerning slow fashion were discussed and critical reflected in geography classes.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2017Funding: German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)Duration: 2017-2020
Peer-Interaction-Methode (PIM)Promoting conceptual understanding through a collaborative task format: The Peer Interaction Method (PIM) is a two-phase collaborative learning form guided by work sheets to promote understanding of general chemical concepts. The research focus is on conditions for success in order to derive suitable instructions or recommendations for an adequate group composition.Led by: Prof. Dr. Sascha SchanzeTeam:Year: 2016
World Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Young People – Perceptions, Meanings, Attitudes and Values in Context of Cultural Awareness and Societal TransformationThe research project explored the perspectives of 14 to 17 years high school students from Lower Saxony regarding World Cultural Heritage and related themes. The qualitative study used focus groups and hermeneutic photography and was complemented by a quantitative subproject.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2016Funding: Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK)Duration: 2016-2019
Climate Change as a Global and Local Challenge – Teaching Models to Raise Awareness About Climate Protection, Climate Adaptation and Climate Justice for Responsible Action as a Contribution to Sustainable DevelopmentIn this Lower Saxony country initiative to implement the Curriculum Framework Education for Sustainable Development, all three phases of teacher education were networked. Schools, research institutions and extracurricular educational partners jointly developed teaching suggestions on the subject of climate change.Led by: Prof. Dr. Christiane MeyerTeam:Year: 2015Funding: Engagement Global with financial resources from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentDuration: 2015-2018