Anyone who has always wanted to know what type of ladybird they have found and what special features it has can now find out via an app. As part of the "ID-Logics" project, a new "Ladybug" identification app for all 52 European ladybugs is now available for free download. It was developed by Prof. Dr. Denis Messig, Managing Director of Science Education at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg, and Prof. Dr. Jorge Groß, Professor of Biology Education at the Leibniz University of Hanover (LUH). With the help of the app, users can easily and safely identify all ladybird species and also receive biological background information.
Owners of a smartphone or tablet can now download the “ID-Logics” app for Android or Apple operating systems free of charge. The ladybug identification app is also free of charge.
Further information can be found online.