Institute of Science Education Institute Events
Wasser ist Leben (Water is Life) – Lecture with Music

Wasser ist Leben (Water is Life) – Lecture with Music

As part of the Wasserwoche Laatzen (Laatzen Water Week), Prof. Dr. Christiane Meyer, together with musicians from the NDR Radiophilharmonie (Christoph Renz, Catherine Myerscough, Oliver Kipp, Upendo Mascarenhas, Jan-Hendrik Rübel and Simon Klingner; coordination: Leonie Bumüller), gave a lecture about water, which was enriched by selected pieces of music. In addition, nature photographs by Corinna Leonbacher (Hannover State Orchestra) were presented during two pieces of music. The event took place on Thursday, August 15, 2024 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the forum of the Erich Kästner School Center, Marktstraße 33 in Laatzen. Admission was free.

The main topics covered were the special importance of water for life on our planet, the water cycle, water consumption in the home, water supply in the Hanover region and wastewater treatment, Germany's water footprint, the problems of pollution and selected water projects as a contribution to the change towards sustainable development. The explanations of water as a vital resource were made clear through musical approaches. The "work that reconnects"  spiral by Joanna Macy served as the framework for this.

All actors donate their fees to the association “Wasser für Kenia" (Water for Kenya) and to the Ökologische Station Mittleres Leinetal e.V. (Ecological Station Mittleres Leinetal).