Prof. Dr. Jorge Groß

30167 Hannover
and by appointment

Tue. 14:00 - 15:00
and by appointment
Focus in research and teaching
- Teaching and learning in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and digital media
- Investigation of student ideas and teaching processes: Student ideas and collaborative forms of learning in the field of teaching/learning research
- Interdisciplinary collaboration in the context of teaching and learning research
- The theory of experience-based understanding as a diagnostic and optimization tool in biology education
Curriculum vitae
Professional background
Professorship for Didactics of Biology at the Institute for Didactics of Natural Sciences, Leibniz University Hannover2022
Professorship for didactics of natural sciences, focus on biology didactics, at the Philipps University of Marburg2013
Director of the Institute for Research and Development of Subject-Related Teaching (EE-feU), Bamberg2012
Professorship for didactics of natural sciences at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg2007
Working group leader for biology didactics at the Leibniz University of Hanover2006
Doctorate in the field of educational sciences at the Leibniz University of Hanover2004
Seconded teacher at the Bismarckschule high school in Hanover2002
Doctoral scholarship from the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)Part-time studies to become a “state-certified communications economist” at the Academy for Communication (AKK) in Kassel
Studied biology at the University of Hanover to become a Dipl.-Biol.
Studied teaching with a combination of biology and chemistry in the Department of Educational Sciences at Leibniz University Hannover
- Elected spokesman for the Lower Saxony biology didactics
- Head of the working group “Digitality and Biology Didactics” in the Department of Biology Didactics (FDdB) in the VBIO
- Member of the educational advisory board of the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park
- Founding member of the “Center for Innovative Applications of Computer Science” (ZIAI), Bamberg
- Reviewer work for various foundations as well as national and international specialist journals
- Editor/author at school book publishers such as Cornelsen Schulbuchverlag, Berlin
- Consulting and development framework plan (curriculum) for natural sciences and technology on behalf of the Ministry of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
- Evaluation and moderation activities in school and non-school institutions
- Former specialist teacher at the Bismarckschule high school and independent teaching activities at various types of schools (special school, comprehensive school, high school)
- Former spokesman for the Bavarian Biology Didactician (BayDid)
- Winner of the Polytechnic Prize 2022 for outstanding teaching concepts in the area of “Digital media as a benefit for MINT teaching” (2nd place).
- Ars legendi Faculty Prize for excellent university teaching in mathematics and natural sciences 2017
- Senior Fellow of the Joachim Herz Foundation
- My research project “Interactive Biodiversity” is an award-winning project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity
- Doctoral scholarship from the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)
- "Evolution creates diversity" was honored in the Volkswagen Foundation's "Evolution Today" ideas competition
- Finalist for the German Nature Conservation Award 2013 (BfN)
- The DBU-funded project “Nakundu – Adventure in Hainichland” was recognized with the “Lighthouses of the Tourism Industry” marketing award
- “Biosphere ecology. Secondary level II.” was nominated for textbook of the year 2013
Contributions to conferences
Contributions to conferences
- Gross, J. (2023). Cooperation and collaboration - perspectives for the VDI guideline committee. Bonn, Thünen Institute and VDI.
- Gross, J. (2022). Teaching criteria for ESD: Opportunities and challenges in the research area of students’ conceptions. Bel-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel (online here). Gross, J. (2022). Development of digital, learner-oriented identification keys as an app - the “ID-Logics” system. Mellumrat e.V., Varel-Dangast.
- Gross, J. (2022). Methodological skills for guided tours - parts 1 and 2., further training to become a national park bird guide, Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park Administration, Wilhelmshaven.
- Groß, J. Steinweg, A.S., & Henrich, A. (2022). The evidence-based development of digitally supported learning offerings – a critical reflection. Lecture, Center for Innovative Applied Informatics (ZIAI), Bamberg.
- Gross, J. (2022). Evidence-based development of a digital learning platform “ID-Logics” for teaching ESD and species knowledge. Symposium “Technical education in the digital world. Empirical research using the example of biology didactics, German didactics, political didactics and sports education”, conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Bamberg.
- Gross, J. (2022). Bumblebees – digitally based identification and mapping. Lecture on teacher training. School Biology Center, Hanover. Gross, J. (2022). Technical and didactic challenges and opportunities in the development of a learner-oriented app "ID-Logics" for species identification - a critical perspective on digitality. Previous day, TU Kaiserslautern.
- Gross, J. (2021). Sustainable communication of ESD criteria: Opportunities and challenges in student imagination research, management of the symposium, FDdB (digital).
- Gross, J. (2021). Working digitally with student ideas through peer interaction, lecture, Joachim Herz Foundation, Hamburg (digital).
- Gross, J. (2021). Concept change through the digital peer interaction plug-in for Moodle learning platforms, lecture, BaTEG young talent conference, Bamberg (digital).
- Gross, J. (2021). Biodiversity and digitalization - what opportunities and challenges arise for education in the present and future?, lecture in front of 600 teachers, excitingedu / Klett MINT Verlag (digital).
- Gross, J. (2020). Digital teaching in ecology, keynote, teaching biology for the first time, the online training and workshop series for biology teachers, University of Rostock.
- Gross, J. (2020). Digital media in school lessons - the didactic perspective, lecture, Autumn Academy State Office for Schools and Education Saxony.
- Gross, J. (2020). Tasks in a digital context. New task culture in biology lessons, lecture, AK School Biology in the VBIO (digital).
- Gross, J. (2020). Digitalization in MINT teaching - Trends & Overviews, Keynote, 12th NaWi Conference / School and Economy Südhessen & Merck GmbH.
- Gross, J. (2020). Use of apps in lessons (example of species identification), workshop, State Institute for School Quality Development (NLQ), Loccum Evangelical Academy.
- Gross, J. (2020). Digital support for professional training, keynote, State Institute for School Quality Development (NLQ), Evangelical Academy Loccum.
- Gross, J. (2020). Bumblebees – digitally based identification and mapping, workshop, NABU e.V. Conservation of rare bumblebee species, Bremervörde.
- Gross, J. (2019). Bumblebees – digitally based identification and mapping, workshop, NABU e.V. Laatzen.
- Gross, J. (2019). Bumblebees – digitally based identification and mapping, workshop, NABU e.V. Nordhorn.
- Gross, J. (2019). Designing transitions – from cramming to understanding through a change of perspective. Keynote, opening lecture “Teaching Day”, Ulm University.
- Gross, J. (2019). Professional education in the digital world. Lecture, GFD Annual Conference, Berlin.
- Gross, J. (2019). What opportunity do schools have to integrate conservation conflicts as a topic for transformative education? Lecture, conference “Living with wolves, bears and lynxes”, Loccum.
- Gross, J. (2019). The genesis of student ideas - the expanded view of learning processes using a theory of understanding. Keynote, PH Weingarten.
- Gross, J. (2019). Digital media in science education. Lecture, 14th Bamberg School Management Symposium.
- Gross, J. (2019). Tasks and concepts of the mathematical and scientific subjects in the face of globalization and internationalization. Lecture, meeting of the scientific advisory board of the DPhV, Düsseldorf.
- Gross, J. (2019). Development and use of digital media in teaching – a critical view. Lecture and workshop, conference “Digital Sovereignty in Schools”, Bamberg.
- Gross, J. (2019). Evidence-based development of the digital learning platform “ID-Logics” for species identification. Lecture, FDdB in Vienna.
- Paul, J., Larsen, Y., & Groß, J. (2019). Development and evaluation of the digital ESD learning game DiLeNa. International conference of the Didactics of Biology Section (FDdB) at VBio, Vienna, Austria.
- Gross, J. (2019). Challenges in biology didactic research on digitality. Management of the symposium, FDdB in Vienna.
- Gross, J. (2019). Citizen science supported: a learner-oriented interactive bumblebee identification tool. Lecture, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Italy, Bologna.
- Paul, J., Larsen, Y., & Groß, J. (2019). Inquiry-based teaching and learning through science fairs. ESERA conference, Bologna, Italy.
- Gross, J. (2019). Opportunities and limits of digitalization in teaching. Keynote, Bonn, nationwide digitalization conference of the DPhV.
- Gross, J. (2019). Bumblebees – digitally based identification and mapping. Lecture and workshop, Gut Sunder, Meißendorf (NABU Celle).
- Gross, J. (2019). ID-LOGICS – determine species digitally. Panel discussion and workshop, MNU Federal Congress, Hanover.
- Gross, J. (2019). Keynote and opening of the Society for Didactics of Subject Matter Teaching (DGSU) conference: “Awakenings”. Keynote, Leuphana University of Lüneburg.
- Gross, J. (2019). Digital learning in biology lessons. Lecture and workshop, University of Leipzig.
- Gross, J. (2018). Supporting the learning process using digital media from an empirical perspective. Lecture, Landshut.
- Gross, J. (2018). Keynote at the opening of the conference: Digital media in the study seminars (DIMES). Keynote, University of Bamberg.
- Gross, J. (2018). Didactic reconstruction: Best practices and next steps. Lecture, Zurich, Switzerland. Gross, J. (2018). Digital species identification – opportunities and challenges of the ID-Logics app. Lecture, MINT Digital, Hamburg.
- Gross, J. (2018). Digital media for identification in biology lessons – the “ID-Logics” app from the perspective of theory and practice. Lecture, Göttingen practice network.
- Gross, J. (2018). What language tells us about thinking – evolution from a cognitive linguistic perspective. Lecture, Bad Rehburg (Rotarian).
- Gross, J. (2018). Find my name! Lecture, University of Bremen.
- Gross, J. (2017). Empirical evaluation of student laboratories through learner intviews.Methods workshop. Young talent conference.
- Gross, J. (2017). “Scientific research and evaluation of student laboratories” at the Professional School of Education, Ruhr University Bochum.
- Gross, J. (2017). MINT – training and digitalization in teacher training – just digital emptiness? Lecture, ProMINT-Kolleg, Humboldt University of Berlin.
- Gross, J. (2017). Supporting learning processes with digital media in science lessons. Keynote, Association of Chemistry Teachers at Secondary Schools in Bavaria (VCRB), Unterschleissheim / Munich.
- Gross, J. (2017). Analogue and digital learning in scientific subjects – opportunities and weaknesses of new teaching/learning formats. Lecture, “Education in the Digital Age” conference of the DPhV, Göttingen.
- Meßinger-Koppelt, J., Schanze, S., & Groß, J. (2017). Digitalization and education in science didactics. Management of the poster symposium, GDCP, Regensburg.
- Zabel, J. & Groß, J. (2017). Promoting assessment skills in bioethical issues. Symposium, FDdB, Halle a.d.S.
- Paul, J., & Groß, J. (2017). Understanding the scientific path to knowledge: Typical learning paths in research-based learning. International conference of the Department of Biology Didactics (FDdB) in VBio, Halle.
- Paul, J., & Groß, J. (2017). Multidimensional learning paths and implications for inquiry-based learning. Annual meeting of the Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics, GDCP, Regensburg.
- Groß, J., Kremer, K., & & Arnold, J. (2017). Scientific content and cognitive processes - prerequisites and learning goals of research-based learning. Symposium, FDdB, Halle a.d.S.
- Groß, J., Kremer, K., & & Arnold, J. (2017). Evolution Learning and Creationism Thinking in Informal Learning Environments Inter-national Symposium September 6th, 2017 Evolution Education Re-considered – understanding what works, IPN, Kiel
- Gross, J. (2017). Challenges and opportunities of digital media in teaching. Species identification with an app in biology – an example. Lecture and workshop, 10th SH Summer Academy, Senkelmark Academy.
- Gross, J. (2017). “Region in the classroom” – perspectives on scientific didactics. Expert workshop, Niedersächsischer Heimatbund e.V., Hanover.
- Gross, J. (2017). The nature of natural sciences - student ideas and the demands of biology lessons. Lecture and workshop, Institute for Teacher Training Gars/Inn.
- Gross, J. (2017). Understanding student ideas - A theory of understanding as a basis for analyzing and developing specialist lessons. Keynote, MNU JuLe conference, Hanover.
- Gross, J. (2017). Digital media in the classroom - a (critical) look at teaching-learning processes on the topic of evolution and education. Lecture and workshop, Erich Kästner Museum, Dresden.
- Gross, J. (2016). New media, opportunities and risks of digitalization in school lessons. Lecture, Saxony School Building Conference, Chamber of Architects, Dresden.
- Gross, J. (2016). Digital media as an opportunity and challenge in (natural science) teaching. Keynote and workshop, State Day for the Promotion of Gifted and Talented People, IQ.SH Kiel.
- Gross, J. (2016). Life in tides - communicating the Wadden Sea ecosystem with its national parks Lecture and workshop, MNU state conference Lower Saxony, Hanover.
- Messig, D. & Groß, J. (2016). Nutrition from the soil – the unexpected outcome of teaching experiments about photosynthesis. Lecture, ERIDOB, Karlstad/Norway.
- Tramowsky, N. & Groß, J. (2016). Between Freedom and Rule – How can we understand German students’ moral conceptions about livestock farming and meat consumption? Lecture, ERIDOB, Karlstad/Norway.
- Paul, J. & Groß, J. (2016). Learning about Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry through science fairs. Lecture, ERIDOB, Karlstad/Norway.
- Gross, J. (2016). On the use of apps to identify plants and animals – practical perspective. Lecture, MiU expert conference, IPN, Leibniz Institute, Kiel. Gross, J. (2016). COLLEGE DIDACTICS: DIGITAL research situation. Lecture, Junior/Senior Fellow meeting, Bamberg.
- Gross, J. (2016). Communicating the ecology of the Wadden Sea - life in tides. Lecture, MNU Federal Congress 2016, Leipzig.
- Gross, J. (2016). Inauguration of the new Greenlab in the Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium. Lecture, Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium Bamberg.
- Gross, J. (2016). Opportunities and risks of new media in teaching – tablets and accessories in practice. School-internal teacher training (SCHILF), Helene-Lange-Schule high school, Hanover.
- Gross, J. (2015). About the use of apps to identify plants and animals - recognizing and understanding student perspectives on biodiversity. Lecture and workshop, 1st Central German MINT Teachers' Congress, Leipzig.
- Paul, J., & Groß, J. (2015). Nature of Science in the context of the Youth Research Competition. International conference of the Department of Biology Didactics (FDdB) in VBio, Hamburg.
- Gross, J. (2015). How didactists develop an app for species identification – everyday ideas and their importance for understanding. Lecture, evening high school Bamberg.
- Gross, J. (2014). I know something you don’t know – discover biodiversity interactively. Keynote, keynote speech, Dies Academicus 2014, University of Bamberg.
- Paul, J., & Groß, J. (2014). Learning paths and student ideas in the Jugend forscht competition. Annual meeting of the Society for Didactics of Chemistry and Physics, GDCP, Bremen, 24.
- Paul, J., & Groß, J. (2014). Does the “Jugend forscht” competition promote professional ideas about the natural sciences? 16th International Spring School of the Department of Didactics of Biology in VBio, Trier, 26-27.
- Gross, J. (2014). Why is it so difficult for learners to understand science? What our language reveals about our experience and thoughts. Keynote, Universitätsbund e.V., University of Bamberg.
- Paul, J., & Groß, J. (2013). Does the “Jugend forscht” competition ensure a better understanding of the natural sciences? International conference of the Department of Biology Didactics (FDdB) in VBio, Kassel, 180-181.
- Paul, J., & Groß, J. (2013). The influence of the “Jugend forscht” competition on learners’ ideas about the natural sciences. 15th International Spring School of the Department of Didactics of Biology in VBio, Leipzig, 148-149.
- Gross, J. (2012). What needs to be done to provide successful environmental education and ESD in the target group? Workshop, Hainich National Park, Thuringia.
- Gross, J. (2012). Understanding evolution. Keynote, keynote lecture at the University of Bamberg
- Gross, J. (2012). Student ideas about species addressing - the evidence-based development of a learner-oriented identification tool. Lecture, Center for Environmental Communication (DBU), Osnabrück.
- Gross, J. (2011). iKosmos – Species addressing using iPhone, iPad and iPod. Workshop “GBIF-D: Citizen Science Workshop”, Berlin.
- Gross, J. (2011). iKosmos – Development and evaluation of a learner-oriented assessment tool. Lecture, FDdB Bayreuth.
- Gross, J. (2011). iKosmos – In touch with nature. Opportunities and challenges in species targeting using iPhone, iPad and iPod. Lecture, technical discussion “Volunteering and dealing with heterogeneous biodiversity data”, Kassel.
- Gross, J. (2011). The new way of learning about species - using an identification tool to record species in school and extracurricular contexts. Lecture, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
- Gross, J. (2010). Evolution as a theme and explanatory principle. Workshop, teacher training, nature museum in Freiburg im Breisgau.
- Gross, J. (2010). Biodiversity here and now! Use of the iPod to record species in school and extracurricular contexts. Lecture, Symposium Biology Didactics on the Move, AECC - University of Vienna.
- Gross, J. (2010). Places to learn - A critical look at extracurricular teaching/learning processes. Lecture, conference “Extracurricular learning” at the PHZ Lucerne.
- Gross, J. (2010). Project evaluation of the project: Environmental education for disabled people - setting up an educational and meeting place for experiencing nature. Lecture, Ostel, Youth Hotel Bremervörde.
- Gross, J. (2010). Uniqueness and Variation: The Unexpected Outcomes of Free-Choice Learning. International lecture, ESERA, Portugal.