Svenja Affeldt

Svenja Affeldt
Office hours
by appointment
Svenja Affeldt
Office hours
by appointment
Doctoral Candidates
Office hours
by appointment
Biology Education Section

Focus in research and teaching

  • Research project „Lernpotentiale zur Artansprache der Bäume und Sträucher Artbestimmung im Rahmen der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion“ (“Learning potential for species identification of trees and shrubs within the framework of didactic reconstruction”)
  • Promotion of species knowledge/biodiversity/digital learning.

Curriculum vitae

  • Professional background

    Educational background:
    2nd state examination in secondary school teaching; subjects: biology and chemistry

    Current position:
    Senior teacher at the Sophie Scholl Comprehensive School, Wennigsen
    Head of the Department of Natural Sciences

    Since 08/19
    Senior teacher, Head of the Department of Natural Sciences, Sophie Scholl Comprehensive School, Wennigsen

    08/14 - 08/19
    Teacher for secondary school teaching, Sophie Scholl Comprehensive School, Wennigsen

    02/13 - 07/14
    Referendariat at the Hannover I teacher training college, training school: Goetheschule Gymnasium, Hannover

    Leibniz University Hannover, Institute for Science Education (IDN)
    Department of Biology didactics, research assistant in the project "Biodiversität Interaktiv" under the direction of Prof. Jorge Groß

    • Participation in national and international conferences in the field of science didactics
    • Seminars: School experiments on human biology & professional thinking and working methods

    Leibniz University Hannover, student of biology and chemistry for secondary school teaching

    Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica, student of tropical biology (in the local language), scholarship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service) (DAAD)

    Other official activities
    Curriculum Commission
    Development of the core curriculum in chemistry for secondary level II

    2018-2019 & 2020-2021
    Central Abitur Commission
    Development of central Abitur tasks for the Lower Saxony Abitur 2019 & 2021 in the subject of chemistry

  • Functions
    • External doctoral student
    • Senior teacher at the Sophie Scholl Comprehensive School, KGS Wennigsen