In the United States, approximately 40% of undergraduates interested in pursuing STEM careers drop out or switch to other majors. Numerous reform efforts have been directed at course-, program-, and degree-level reforms in order to address this concerning pattern. One strand of these efforts is the use of “big data” and machine-learning methods to build predictive models of student performance at different time points within a course or degree program and to use this information to inform instructional decision making. This talk will discuss the development and application of these methods in undergraduate science education and the benefits and risks associated with predictive learning analytics.
Am 18.11.2022, 14.00 Uhr lädt das IDN zum naturwissenschaftsdidaktischen Kolloquium mit Ross H. Nehm, Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNY) ein.
Der Vortrag ist öffentlich.